For hængelåse

Catalogue 2014 230 Latching systems (C) (C1) (C2) B (E) (H) (J) (K) (L) (D) (F) (G) ø 5.2 @ 90° ø 5.2 @ 90° A Ø 6 (C) 3 3 34 B 21 35 106-118 30 34.5 7 16 Ø 6 Ø 8 Ø 5.1 @ 90° Ø 5.1 @ 90° A Part number Material Finish A B C Note Weight (g) 16-7-4023 steel zinc plated 174 50 27 174<A<186 236 16-7-4030 304 stainless steel raw 174 50 27 174<A<186 236 Adjustable toggle latches with strike - padlockable - 174 mm Part number Material Finish A B C C1 C2 D E F G H J K L Note Weight (g) 16-7-4018 steel zinc plated 82 27 19 2 2 4 14 5 10 62-72 22 11 14 82<A<92 48 16-7-4020 steel zinc plated 108 34 18 2.5 3 5 17 6.5 10 85-96 27 16 18 108<A<119 102 16-7-4021 steel zinc plated 118 39 22 3 2.5 6 20 6.5 18 85-96 33 15 20 118<A<129 124 16-7-4025 304 stainless steel raw 82 27 19 2 2 4 14 5 10 62-72 22 11 14 82<A<92 48 16-7-4027 304 stainless steel raw 108 34 18 2.5 3 5 17 6.5 10 85-96 27 16 18 108<A<119 102 16-7-4028 304 stainless steel raw 118 39 22 3 2.5 6 20 6.5 18 85-96 33 15 20 118<A<129 124 Adjustable toggle latches with strike - padlockable - 82 mm to 117 mm Toggle latches